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7 months ago
I got a job. Where I could earn money just by playing games. The catch? I had to do it as... Read more I got a job. Where I could earn money just by playing games.The catch? I had to do it as a monster rat. Collapse Cannibalism, Demi-Humans, Depictions of Cruelty, Gods, Gore, Human-Nonhuman Relationship, Humanoid Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Monster Society, Monsters, Special Abilities, Strength-based Social Hierarchy, Transported into a Game World, Weak to Strong, R-18 i read it in raw it's not that good, it's extremely tiring (only after a few chps, the initial chps are Ok.), this work is only worth reading if you like "chicken soup" and you like "goosebumps"In some dialogs.Rank C- Whats up with the ranking? Last month was the first time to ever see itI mean, using letters,instead of stars or anything else. Not that is bad.