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18 hours ago
I was proposed to by the Final Boss.... Read more I was proposed to by the Final Boss. Collapse Academy, Accelerated Growth, Angels, Assassins, Average-looking Protagonist, Beautiful Female Lead, Calm Protagonist, Cheats, Cunning Protagonist, Demons, Different Social Status, Evil Religions, Evolution, Fanaticism, Fearless Protagonist, Galge, Hidden Abilities, Immortals, Kingdoms, Knights, Level System, Magic, Male Protagonist, Misunderstandings, Mysterious Family Background, Nobles, Obsessive Love, Politics, Prophecies, Psychic Powers, Psychopaths, Reincarnated in a Game World, Resurrection, Saints, Serial Killers, Special Abilities, Spirits, Strategic Battles, Strong to Stronger, Sword And Magic, Sword Wielder, System Administrator, Time Manipulation, Transmigration, Transported into a Game World, Underestimated Protagonist, Villainess Noble Girls, Yandere the day i read the MTL, it changed everything #panic# chapter 80 missing Thanks! #panic# I think the mtl has updated? mtl link the last update was July 20, 2023. #panic# the chapters in novelupdates is up to 30.2 #panic# #panic# After reading this, I had the image of the mommy duck, followed by the baby ducks.. on my mind Fated To Be Loved by Villains is story about a guy who gets transmigrated/reincarnated into his favorite game. Unfortunately, it's as a nobody named Dowd, who's the son a of a countryside Baron. His system quests hin to go to the imperial academy, and this is basically where the story starts.On the train journey to the academy his train compartment is attacked by assassins who were targeting the compartments other passenger, Elnore Tristan (FL) - who's also the main villainess and End Boss of the game. Due to him, basically being omniscient in regards to game lore, he knows that Elnore has a personal magic artifact to ward off attacks, and as such he tackles her to the ground in attempt to be included in the small range of the magical protection barrier. This however is seen, by the villainess, as an attempt to rescue her to which sparks her initial interest in our protagonist.A side effect of this interest, is however, the gifting of the systems first "trait", which is "Fated" - I.e., he is Fated to be loved by the bad guys, and he is also gifted a "Charmed" trait, which makes him appear more attractive to beings with negative alignment.Unfortunately, our protagonist is as weak as they come. With F-rank in all of his stats, he basically can't even kill a chicken. And with villains taking an interest in him - his death is predicted to be just around the corner. Luckily, he gains an ability to scale his power level from F-rank to EX-rank depending on how much danger he is in. And thus, we come across some funny plot developments, where people think he is either a scammer, or just trying to hide his strength.Fated To Be Loved is a typical Korean webnovel, with minimal exposition, unannotated dialogue, and a lot of the MC's internal dialogue sprinkled in left and right. It takes some time to get used to for newbie readers. Another thing, which may throw some people off, is the irregular time jumps. I.e., some chapters end with the end of a scene, where the next chapter will show how that scene started, and then continue with the conclusion of that scene. It's a bit jarring if you don't expect the time jump, but it also does a good job of creating cliffhangers at the end of a chapter.So far by chapter 26.2, we've been gradually introduced to the protagonist, the villainess (who's also the FL), the Hero (who might be the 2nd FL), and a few other side-characters. Most of the story focuses on the actions of the MC and how he tries to get ahead of the story in order to survive. In the process of doing so, he comes across as omniscient and omnipotent - both attributed to his extensive in-game knowledge of events to occur, but also his cheat ability to scale his power level according to the amount of danger he faces. We do also get some small snippets from other side-characters; mainly from the FL as she struggles with new sensation and feelings of being in love with someone.With that said, there isn't that much romance in the novel, yet. The MC is keeping the FL at a certain distance in order to protect himself, but also to focus on surviving. There is plenty of action and other small comedy interludes, but most of the storytelling is focused on the MCs preparations, and his sudden rise to "fame" after having done a few inexplicable feats.As I mentioned before, the novel is written in a typical Korean way. Expect short sentences, little to no exposition, etc. Translation quality is passable, but Ranobes hasn't done a good job of "porting" the text from the source site - as such, line breaks, transitions, time jumps, are not immediately clear, and it may lead to confusion if you're not careful when reading.In conclusion, this is certainly an entertaining novel, but it isn't groundbreaking in anything it proposes. It does an OK job of entertaining, however, I can't say it's a masterpiece either. For this I'd give it a grade C+ or 4/5*I'd recommend this to anyone who's looking for short read to pass the time, or if they don't have anything else.Happy reading! They should ha e you write their nivel description. Its at least informative. More like spoiler lmao It’s a review, what do you expect? Is it just me but it seems this novel isn’t going in a linear time line at least in chapter 3-4 #panic# no updates .... Savage, I dare say Oh mighty master, can you teach us How did you comment pictures? Pleasee🙌 He is the admin duh That's why I called him master though, but apparentlly VIP users can post gifs or pictures in comments... I got to know this recently too Nah i think its just for certain type of link cuz ive posted a pic before by commenting a link tho idk what type of link work for it and im not a vip I had eyes but couldn't see Mt. Tai ( synopsis) "That synopsis tells me everything I need to know." --no one Раз в сколько дней обновляется главы?