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3 months ago
I spent my life playing a game. I hit the wall, stuck in second place for the rest of my life.... Read more I spent my life playing a game. I hit the wall, stuck in second place for the rest of my life.[Can you live as yourself, using your own nickname?] DarkLord of Underworld: Even if a man can’t eat, he can survive!Out of the blue, I received a message and was possessed by the game.As the worthless son of an Underworld Boss!“Yes, bloodline is also a power, as long as you can use it. My ability is ‘Famiglia’.”The game addict never disappears. Overwhelming violence, endless wealth, connections in the other world. I, I’ll use anything to stay alive! Collapse Academy, Acting, Appearance Different from Actual Age, Assassins, Battle Competition, Bloodlines, Calm Protagonist, Character Growth, Cheats, College or University, Family, Family Business, Family Conflict, Game Elements, Handsome Male Lead, Male Protagonist, Mysterious Family Background, Obsessive Love, Power Struggle, R-15, Reincarnated in a Game World, Romantic Subplot, Teachers, Trickster Tonight, in Titles That Make You Irrationally Angry™ Meh, it's a pretty fun read; nothing all that ground breaking, but I feel the slight "cringe" at the begining is off set by the interesting setting. Though, i do think there wasn't really any character growth, which was disapointing. I'd give it a try. Overall rating for translation based stories: 4/5Rating when compaired to average quality fiction on RR or kindle unlimited: 3-3.5/5 This novel first few chapters was cringe as f#ck, for example, when asked to show his ability during entrance exam, he pre arranged his secretary to snipe at the instructor and when instructor stopped the bullet and asked what he was doing, he simply said power of famiglia and wierd thing is instructor was impressed. That's when I knew this novel will be a cringefest. Review: 0.5/5 come on, I'd give it at least a 2.5 or 3 out of 5. Lmao, you literally read like 3 chapters and arbitrarily decided the whole story was a 0.5/5. You’re literally the reason the saying “don’t judge a book by it’s cover” exist. That wasn’t even that cringe, and context-wise, it made complete sense. Also, reread the damn chapter or at least that segment of it; while it’s already inherently obvious why the instructor was impressed(he used an unconventional method and had the balls to try and kill the instructor, trusting he wouldn’t be punished) the novel has an entire PARAGRAPH explaining why she’s impressed.The novel as a whole is at least a 4.3/5. You just decided not to properly read or give it a chance. Genuinely, you should feel ashamed. I totally agree with your opinion, I don't know why they read only 1 chapter and already say it's bad or shit when sometimes there are authors who are writing their first novel and at first they are bad but then they improve so it is better to read a little more before judging The setting is your pretty standard Korean Modern Fantasy setting, with dungeons that mysteriously appeared, people awakening powers in any form, and an academy. It was executed pretty well and has few things that would negatively affect the reading of the story. The grammar, flow, pacing, etc... are all good, probably a grade 10 level of english so pretty good for a translated work. The story has a nice concept with a few fun little bits and references. Spoiler The synopsis is pretty misleading as the MC’s power isn’t his “famiglia” or anything like that. He has a bloodline power where he gains power from the number of enemies he faces, the amount of respect/fear he has overall, is stronger against those who fearful of him, enemies of his “people”, and those who are weaker. My only question is why the MC’s family/organization fled from the states to Korea when the “dungeons” spewed monster. Korea is pretty small compared to the U.S. so any dungeon breaking would affect more of the country but this is a Korean novel so it would be set in Korea and it isn’t a big deal anyway. 8/10 I will answer your spoiler in a spoiler SpoilerHis powers (main) comes from his "famiglia", his family, his bloodline inherited from his father, his training, money, position etc all come from his family. And in chapter 4-1 in the backstory of his father so can we take it that his father fled from Italy since the dungeons started in Europe before spreading to Asia and America like wildfire, so we can take it that it could have been easier to flee to South Korea than the U.S. And we also gets to know that it was his father who built the "famiglia" in Seul when the Korean government gave up on the immigrants to protect, and he awakened and as he grew stronger so did more and more people start to follow him and call him "Don". And what we can get from the story so are his only family Vito (father), Eugene (him/MC), Jiryan (daughter/his sister), and his dead mother. Now so am I not taking his maternal family into consideration since we only have heard their company name by chapter 47. So the "Famiglia" really is the classical mafia relationship family seen in movies like "The God Father" (The trilogy from 1972), so the synopsis makes sense in a sense of theoretical and poetic view. Spoiler Wasn’t the father Italian-American, implying he was the child of Italian immigrants in America? This one is cringy as f#ck, 3/5 is its maximum. You rated it too high, it's cringey it's unrealistic, unreasonable and cliche developments so mc became the mafia? not part of the mafia, but the whole dam family? title may be misleading. This is actually pretty good. A solid 4 I really liked it. Can anyone recommend any other mafia-themed novels like this?I would give 8/10 personally, it only has 40 episodes but I was never bored. I became a Mafia Boss in the Novel. It's pretty good for a novel released on Webnovel. And it hasn't been locked, at least not yet. A Black Market LitRPG It's ok nothing too special 5/10 Vongola Famiglia? Judaime!!