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20 hours ago
A face is a face, a song is a song, a composition is a composition.Beautiful, talented and... Read more A face is a face, a song is a song, a composition is a composition.Beautiful, talented and hardworking upcoming idol Sun Woojoo.One day, a miracle came to him!“I’ll become a star who shines more than anyone else.”His dreadful dancing wasn’t an issue anymore.At last, an idol with everything prepared.Now, a monster rookie has appeared in the entertainment world!In this life, the greatest star in the universe! Collapse Absent Parents, Acting, Adapted to Manhwa, Brotherhood, Celebrities, Character Growth, Charismatic Protagonist, Charming Protagonist, Clever Protagonist, Dancers, Famous Parents, Famous Protagonist, Fast Learner, Friendship, Genius Protagonist, Handsome Male Lead, Hard-Working Protagonist, Heartwarming, Leadership, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Music, Showbiz, Singers, Special Abilities, Teamwork Not my typeReviews say its greatRanobe FanMade discord server :)) A child comes home from school, crying."What's the matter?" asks the mother."I've got an F in maths.""Don't worry, dear. You've got cancer." Ah jeez, rise of idol novel again… this guy is probably going to have absurd plot armor I will bet you