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10 hours ago
Strange world, unusual immortals and Buddhas, is it true or false? Li Huowang, who was... Read more Strange world, unusual immortals and Buddhas, is it true or false? Li Huowang, who was in a daze, didn’t know anything. He is very sick… Collapse Ability Steal, Accelerated Growth, Adventurers, Aliens, Alternate World, Ancient China, Apocalypse, Artifacts, Dao Comprehension, Daoism, Divination, Dreams, Evil Gods, Evil Protagonist, Fantasy World, Godly Powers, Gods, Incubus, Male Protagonist, Modern Day, Youkai This is "Lord of Mysteries," but with an upgrade in character development and the depth of the plot. If you're familiar with "Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice," you'll find many similarities here, giving you goosebumps chapter after chapter. It's so captivating that you can't help but keep reading.Looking at other negative reviews, you'll notice they mostly come from readers seeking the quick gratification often found in trash novels. This book is more refined in taste, you need to slowly savour it.It's definitely on my must-read list! This shits straight fire. Don’t listen to the guys hating. The plot is great with well made characters and the artwork the tl shows really helps with visualization. Also this novel is going crazy in china right now so definitely give a read. If you read it, you'll see that the whole novel is a huge hell joke I don't know why people dislike this novel, personally, I like the mental anguish he experiences throughout the novel. What the f#ck did i just read. Bloody f#cking hell time for mtl Any Poison Testers Finished the mtl, the author is definitely crazy because ain't no way a mentally stable person can write this shit. Bro had me screaming, crying and laughing as the same time in the last volThe reference in Star rail make it even funnier, highly recommend reading this tell me more, i read a little bit, but i don't know much about later chps Well.. this is a very good novel with a well-crafted plot, this is a slow work if you are not an old reader or don't have the patience don't read it, The mc is not a mental patient, the modern world is actually his memory reconstruction of the past world, the real world is the strange world.Rank B If you have any questions, go to the author's Qiqian and look at his text explaining about the world and the characters Mate....put spoilers it's not really a spoiler because it's understandable in a few chps., I didn't put it because I forgot how to put the spoiler tag (only this one appears :::: spoiler/ˈspɔɪlə/noun1.a description of an important plot development in a television show, film, or book which if previously known may reduce surprise or suspense for a first-time viewer or reader.did you just described an important plot development? yes.was this early in the novel? yes. does it matter that its early? no!you dont know how to make proper spoiler?SPOILER ALLERTdo it like that so people that dont want spoilers wont read futher I give up (chapter 27). The MC is literally mentally ill, he has a fcked up episodes of hallucination that are essentially first 8 chapters. SpoilerThe world he is in is one with immortals. He is in a small "sect". Badically, there is an old guy who practices immortal way, there are also 6 disciples and the rest, which is some crippled people, is materials for pills. Our glorious main character starts off as a pill material. As I already mentioned above, he lives in a world in his head and is just insane. It only makes me think that he is mentally weak, because that's the only thing that comes to my mind after hearing of this attempt to escape the reality. He is an idiot that burns potentially useful scriptures just becsuse he wants to start a new chapter in his life. Surprise, after burning the books, and who know what else, down he decides it's a perfect time to stop taking my med that was keeping me down to earth! He tries to run away from all his problems that are solved. HE SOLVED THEM ALL AND NOE HE WANTS TO GO BACK TO HIS IMAGINARY FANILY AND GIRLFRIEND, WHILE HE SPEND THE REST OF HIS LIFE IN A HOSPITAL, BECAUSE EVEN IN HIS IMAGINATION, HE IS MENTALLY ILL.Could've been a good novel, but unfortunately it's just another waste of time and nerves.1/5 it gets better with time, it has a very interesting background Daoist companion if he's a real evil Mc? not at fang yuan level, but chaotic evil In which chapter he begins to be evil I'm in the 25th and the only thing I see is a child with traumas(Browser translator)( I made a brief comment on this work above Obs: Don't forget to downvote me ╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)⁠➝ give us your review of the novel and then ask for downvotes, until then I have liked your comment ;) So far it's ok, I'll read about 100 chps then I'll do a better evaluation