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4 hours ago
In 1668, our city earned the title of “The Safest Place in the Country.” I had a lot to... Read more In 1668, our city earned the title of “The Safest Place in the Country.”I had a lot to do with that. How?Because I was arrested. Collapse Academy, Accelerated Growth, Alternate World, Amnesia, Beautiful Female Lead, Bickering Couple, College/University, Comedic Undertone, Dark, Demi-Humans, Dense Protagonist, Early Romance, Enemies Become Allies, Evil Gods, Evil Religions, Fantasy Creatures, Game Elements, Harem-seeking Protagonist, Interdimensional Travel, Lazy Protagonist, Male Protagonist, Multiple Personalities, Multiple POV, Multiple Timelines, Mysterious Past, Naive Protagonist, Nobles, Past Plays a Big Role, Power Couple, Prison, Prophecies, Romantic Subplot, Selfish Protagonist, Sentimental Protagonist, Strong Love Interests, System Administrator, Time Travel, Transmigration, Vampires my evaluation (B) for now So far I would say it's a 7/10.Interesting opening and plot so far @Ch61. Main character and current operative seem interesting and it's nice to have a split POV to see how they're both living outside of their interactions with one another. The power system is unique, but not super clearly explained (or not easy necessarily to understand) and it's very different to the regular cultivation novels I might read. Lots of potential and a good translation. I'm probably going to start on the MTL now and see how that feels to read! very interesting world background I'm on chapter 73 and everything indicates that this is a hidden gem. The book has more than 1000 chapters and from the author's way of writing it is clear that readers will discover the answers as they read. There will not be an internal dialogue paragraph in which the MC thinks about the specific power system or some solutions, generally the explanations will occur during conversations with other characters.Yes, all the characters so far are important, interesting and with personality, I can only say that I struck gold when I was looking for copper. Maybe I'll come back later for another review.Chapter 234 > I can say that this story is still very good, but the MC leaves me with conflicting feelings. As the MC himself says, he is indifferent to many things, he doesn't have a very big ambition, he really is similar to a spectator (Observer of the Apocalypse? haha) and that is a little frustrating. He almost always accepts things as they are, although I don't question it as much, there are times when it makes me angry, almost frustrated. In the chapter he is now linked to a contract that has a loophole that will turn him into a slave in 3 months, but he is very indifferent to this, he himself says that it makes no sense to suffer for something that will only happen in 101 days, but it should live the present. Anyway, his indifference irritates me, but the way it's happening I think he will have personality growth in the future. P.S: The best moments are the MC's interactions with the secondary characters, especially Sword Girl. Another example: The MC made it very clear that his biggest motivation for escaping from prison was Sword Girl, he wanted to fulfill his goals a little (I don't see him as simp) So in essence, not a simp but an indifferent useless simp. Got it #panic#The original language is Chinese, not Korean. Thanks! #panic#Where's the new chapters? NU still shows them as releasing daily. #panic#One more thing, there's 2 Chapter 83 and there's no Chapter 84. Have you seen the summary ? It's an honest mistake. I would have expected a Korean novel too with a summary so short. Is this good? should I read this? Try a few chapters, if it's not your cup of tea, just skip to another novel neh this is some good sht As much as people are saying good things about this novel. I'm 14 chapters in and we'll over 50% of those chapters are about a supposed game character that the mc is suppose to use to become stronger as the game character becomes stronger. Which isn't really happening. He's suppose to get 30% of the game characters strength, instead he gets a spirit of the character that talks to him, and so far there is no explanation on the system of power in this book even tho the system of power has been mentioned multiple times. In other words I'm completely confused on what's happening in this book and am only 14 chapter in. Same here, I'm in chapter 18 and still don't know what is happening with his power. The author does not immediately explain the power system or the circumstances. The idea is for the reader to read calmly to understand, because the MC has lost all his memories and is now someone else, so the reader ends up learning along with the MC.I'm on chapter 73 (MTL) and I'm already understanding a little about the power system, creation of spirits and other things. The book has more than 1300 chapters and apparently many mysteries. Enjoy.P.S: Regarding the character's spirit talking to him, SpoilerI can only assume that it is a spirit from an alternative reality, or perhaps this world has already suffered a regression and the MC losing his memories is a result of that. Everything is made clear that the character spirits are their older, updated or complete versions. Anyway, this is also one of the mysteries to be discovered. At 73 do have a little understanding(almost nothing?) or do you have an understanding of a small part of it? Guys, as this translator is new to this universe, let's give him a boost on the official website, leave some comments there and if you can, make a donation. We have to encourage new translators, as they are the ones fighting on the front lines against the demonic Dao of the MTL. Poison Testers I Will Pay Them With Spirit Stones It's not poison, you can read it with your heart in peace, I've already tested it.