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8 months ago
Luke was a normal guy, he really was. That is, until it all changed. After dying in a car crash,... Read more Luke was a normal guy, he really was. That is, until it all changed. After dying in a car crash, one crazy thing happened after another slightly less crazy thing, and he found himself in possesion of a treasure. An artifact so tempting, that not even dieties will risk the greed of those that desire it. After all, the God Seed promises the greatest prize known to man, divinity.Escaping to a small island, on the world of Theos, Luke must use the game-like abilities granted by the Seed to grow in power. All the while, escaping the notice of Arke. A being who killed the Seed's last owner- a god.***What to expect:A LitRPG with mythological gods walking about and making stuff hard for Luke in a culttivation-esque setting.An easy to understand system with a reasonable number of blue screens.Characters that aren't all remorseless killers, and at times are even friendly.Updates will be a chapter a day, Tuesday through Saturday. Collapse LitRPG, Portal Fantasy, Isekai, Age Progression, Ruling Class, Game Elements, High Fantasy, Sword And Magic, Male Protagonist, Mythology, Reincarnation, Secret Identity, Steampunk, Overpowered Protagonist, Weak to Strong Incredible writing. The author is for sure a professional. Engaging story. Great world building, characters are more than 2d, interpersonal relationships, plausible training methods, and plausible culture of mortals vs cultivators' societies.The MC is killed, and snatches a god seed from a destroyed god, angering another one who had been after that seed in the first place. He is brought to a Greek mythos inspired world where cultivation exists (in the MCs case, he has a system). The MC must hide from the god hunting him, joins a sect, begins training himself, and then the story progresses.This novel reminds me a lot of Riordan's Percy Jackson series, not only because of the Greek foundation, but the writing style too. Riordan's stuff is more young adult though, this is slighty more mature. Why is the rating so badThe novel is good very good This is pretty good. It starts kind of slow then it picks up the pace at an enjoyable rate. It's still slow but it's an enjoyable slow.Within the first couple chapters it's pretty eh but it gets better Good story. I thought it was a bit slow at the start but honestly the story becomes much more enjoyable once the inheritance plot starts Before writting Review for this novel, let me ask you two things; Do you like Mythos, you know, Odin, Zeus, Thor, Hera, Hades and all? And Do you like Cultivation novels? How would feel if the two were mixed; would you read it? Because if yes, then you are in the right place boys and gals, so strap in your seatbelts, this will be a wild ride, and zip⚡ Welcome to Theos, you have heard about the gods, demigods, the beings with untold powers, and famed Immortally. Did you know that you can also become a God, want to know how, then again I welcome you to Theo's, here we mortals Cultivate, break through our mortal shells in hopes of one day achieving the Godhood.Theo's is not your typical cultivation world, sure there are sects, secret realms and tournaments, But don't mistake this for your normal one.Meet Luke King, he is an unfortunate soul from earth who through a series of events comes to posses a Seed, a very magical, very forbidden seed. This seed has one function and that is make you a god and it will help you no matter what. Problem is there is a very angry goddess hot on his tail ready to hunt him down. So how will our MC survive the wrath of Arke, grow strong and become a God. Welcome to Theos, becoming a god is easy now, if you can survive an angry goddess, some generic villains and dreadful tournaments.Welcome to Theos