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4 months ago
Once upon a time, there lived a person consumed by the desire for revenge. After finally... Read more Once upon a time, there lived a person consumed by the desire for revenge.After finally achieving his goal of seeking revenge against all of his enemies, he was ultimately sentenced to death. Though he accepted his punishment, he suddenly found himself standing in an unfamiliar and surreal place, as if caught in a hallucination during his final moments. As his consciousness began to fade, a distinct voice accompanied him and whispered—”Welcome to Hell!” Collapse Aristocracy, Army, Beasts, Dark, Fantasy Creatures, Fantasy World, Gore, Humanoid Protagonist, Kingdoms, Magic Beasts, Male Protagonist, Nobles, Non-humanoid Protagonist, Poisons, Reincarnated as a Monster, Reincarnation, Schemes And Conspiracies, S*ave Protagonist, S*aves, Strategic Battles, Survival, Tragic Past, Wars, Weak to Strong Since there are no reviews on this website I will add one from another website by BritishRaptoSpoilerA novel I’m enjoying a lot, enough so that I considering MTL’ing the rest.Welcome to Hell, is not, in fact, set in Hell. There’s no demons to be seen here (so far). It is, however, a reincarnation story in which the MC is reborn as a monster in another worldSpoiler——(a scorpion, which is refreshing!)and has to serve out his ‘sentence’ given to him from Hell.The novel combines perspectives from different characters to build the world on several different levels, from very on-the-ground and restricted understanding from our MC, to greater politics and movements from other characters. I’m not usually a fan of these kind of developments and use of perspective, but I always found the perspective was focused back on MC (which was more interesting to me!) before I got bored.MC is a little bland personality wise, a real neutral-guy character. Kill the bad guys, won’t always save everyone because he’s practical, ect. It’s a little underwhelming to be honest, but I’m willing to overlook it as I’m starting to see some personality development in the later chapters.Fight scenes were written incredibly well. Well scripted and I was able to visualise it very clearly as I read. Fantasy story fights on here often fall into the trap of characters yelling spell names at each other and limited descriptions such as ‘I dodged the strike then attacked.’Welcome to Hell!’ does a great job of painting environments and utilising said environments in its action. Combat is pretty brutal and powering scaling is a done pretty satisfyingly, since everything relies on actual skill and not “Skills” or “Levels”.World building, especially religion had me eye-rolling at the beginning whereSpoiler——one of the main antagonistic forces is a cult believing in a single ‘superior’ godFor reincarnated as a monster fans, you’ll find this series fairly satisfying although suffering from the usual tropeSpoiler——of MC eventually getting himself a human form. In this case, it’s still pretty alien though, and it wasn’t by choice.At the time of this review, the series is still ongoing on Syosetsu, with a bunch in the backlog to be translated (about ~150 chapters) so I’m looking forward to where this is going. < I read a portion of this, but dropped soon after because it was completely different than what I thought even though I read that review. He does get reincarnated as a scorpion but from birth he’s forced into a master servant contract and became a young master’s battle beast companion as he was born from an egg they had. He’s forced into many different tortuous trainings and can’t resist, and trained up for a battle beast tournament. He’ll probably get out of this situation but SpoilerI skipped a bunch of chapters and saw another person ordering him around like a slave so I’m guessing it’ll take a while . Well you can check the other person’s review and my review if you want more info in case u want to read, but I’m out for now Worth it till now (as of ch 37) Can someone review this novel and tells us if it’s worth it Poison Testers? it's japanese -1(damage), I'll find out.Obs: Don't forget to downvote me ╰⁠(⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠ᗜ⁠ ⁠・⁠ ⁠)⁠➝